What Causes Bad Breath And How To Stamp It Out?

It is fairly common for most people to experience bad breath once in a while. However, for some people, it can be a daily problem. ‘Halitosis’ or bad breath generally occurs after waking up in the morning. Other causes of halitosis include smoking tobacco or having sugary or alcoholic beverages. Some people might be aware of their bad breath, however, in other cases, relatives, friends, or co-workers have to inform them about this issue. This problem can significantly damage one’s quality of life and sense of personal hygiene.

If bad breath persists, even after practicing oral hygiene, it may be the sign of an underlying problem. In this scenario, it is best to consult a dentist in Glen Cove, Rochester, Albany or whichever part of New York you are located in. You should take your dental health very seriously because oral disease if left untreated, can increase your chances of developing major life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Major Factors that Cause Bad Breath

Here are the major factors that lead to the problem of halitosis:

·       Tobacco

People who smoke should immediately quit it as tobacco is not only injurious to health but it also leads to halitosis. It tarnishes the natural whiteness of your teeth and gives your mouth an unpleasant smell.

·       Diet

You should be mindful of what you consume if you want to eliminate halitosis completely. Consuming foods such as garlic, cheese, and canned fish gives your breath a bad smell. For example, once garlic gets absorbed into the bloodstream, the unpleasant smell gets exhaled through the breath.  Additionally, alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks lead to bad breath.

·       Infections

Persisting bad breath could be a warning sign of an infection in your body. You must consult your physician to examine this issue. Halitosis could be an indicator of debilitating conditions like diabetes, bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, or infections in the respiratory tract. Hence, you should not overlook this serious issue.

How to Stamp Out Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be unpleasant and disturbing to those around us. Thankfully, this problem is curable. Here are the ways in which you can get rid of halitosis.

·       Brush Your Teeth Daily

To stamp out bad breath, you must not neglect oral care practices. Make it a point to brush your teeth at least twice or thrice a day by using a soft-bristle brush and fluoridated toothpaste. You should wash your mouth thoroughly after brushing your teeth with an alcohol-free mouthwash.

·       Stay Hydrated

Bad breath can also be caused if you have a dry mouth. So make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day. Furthermore, to treat the issue of dry mouth, your dentist can prescribe dry mouth moisturizing agents to you.

·       Prioritize Dental Checkups

To prevent halitosis from occurring in the first place, you should regularly visit your dentist for teeth whitening and cleaning. It is recommended that you should visit the dentist at least twice a year, or once every six months.

On a Final Note

Whatever may be the reason for your bad breath, you must not trivialize the importance of practicing proper oral hygiene. If you experience halitosis on a steady basis, you should reach out to a top-notch dentist in Glen Cove who can identify and resolve this tormenting problem. After all, your oral hygiene speaks volumes about your lifestyle and grooming habits.


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